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Course Description: Study film as a cultural, social and artistic expression. Investigate American cinema's origin and development, the rise of the studio and star systems and the impact of television on film. Consider film genres and the American cinema's use of genre to reflect societal concerns. Investigate film techniques and develop a vocabulary for discussing the art of film. Study the origin and development of classical Hollywood style and investigate Hollywood as an institution. Practice active, critical viewing and complete research and critical writing about American film. Note: Students should be prepared to rent and screen 12 additional films chosen from the extensive video bibliography provided. This course has a required video component. Prerequisites: upper-level standing with advanced-level critical thinking, reading, research and writing skills. Recommended: College Writing or the equivalent, and an introductory humanities or arts criticism course. This course fully meets the General Education requirement in The Arts. This online course is offered through Online Learning. You can take this as an individual course or as part of an online degree program, with term starts in March, May, September, November and January. View current term offerings and all online courses. Click here to register for online courses.
Other Areas: The Arts | Business, Management & Economics | Community & Human Services | Communications, Humanities & Cultural Studies | Educational Studies | Historical Studies | Human Development | Labor Studies | Nursing | Science, Math & Technology | Social Science Liberal Study Upper Level Credits: 4 Meets General Education Requirement In: The Arts-Full Term(s) Offered (Subject to Change) : Spring 1. Spring 2. Summer. Fall 1. Fall 2. For Books and Materials List Go to the Online Bookstore
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