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Course Description: This course gives students the chance to use a variety of new media applications to promote a message of their choice (for example, marketing a product, spreading news traditional journalistic outlets are not, or planning an event for a number of people). Students will study media history, including earlier phases of the Internet, learn to distinguish between the various new media, also known as Web 2.0 or Social Networking, applications that can be used for effective communications. Email, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are just a few of the applications that one might use to promote a business, send a message to the public, forward news the mainstream outlets may not air, communicate within a business, association or group, tell a story, or keep up with old friends and new acquaintances. This course will ask students to research the very latest technologies, share information, and consider best uses and best practices for these tools. Recommended: Experience writing for the web and/or using social networking tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, will be helpful. Tutorials will be provided for those who need training, but this work will be in addition to class assignments. This course fully meets the General Education requirement in Basic Communication. This online course is offered through Online Learning. You can take this as an individual course or as part of an online degree program, with term starts in March, May, September, November and January. View current term offerings and all online courses. Click here to register for online courses.
Other Areas: The Arts | Business, Management & Economics | Community & Human Services | Communications, Humanities & Cultural Studies | Educational Studies | Historical Studies | Human Development | Labor Studies | Nursing | Science, Math & Technology | Social Science Liberal Study Upper Level Credits: 4 Meets General Education Requirement In: Basic Communication-Full Term(s) Offered (Subject to Change) : Spring 1. Spring 2. Summer. Fall 1. For Books and Materials List Go to the Online Bookstore
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