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Course Description: This advanced level course is designed to provide psychology students an opportunity to reflect upon the field as a whole - specifically to understand the history of the profession and evolution of ideas over time. The course will review areas that currently define the study of psychology, and explore older ideas that are no longer current, those ideas that are still relevant, and areas that are likely to be important in the future. Students will examine major philosophical approaches that informed the questions and methods of psychologists, including the classical systems and schools of psychology, and will review some of the major empirical findings and theories that have influenced the directions of research. Students will be encouraged to critically examine the ways by which psychologists have written their own history and to consider how intellectual and cultural contexts may have shaped their interpretation of this history. Prerequisites: Completion of Introduction to Psychology OR General Psychology and at least two intermediate or advanced psychology courses. This course fully meets the General Education requirement in Western Civilization. This online course is offered through Online Learning. You can take this as an individual course or as part of an online degree program, with term starts in March, May, September, November and January. View current term offerings and all online courses. Click here to register for online courses.
Other Areas: The Arts | Business, Management & Economics | Community & Human Services | Communications, Humanities & Cultural Studies | Educational Studies | Historical Studies | Human Development | Labor Studies | Nursing | Science, Math & Technology | Social Science Liberal Study Upper Level Credits: 4 Meets General Education Requirement In: Western Civilization-Full Term(s) Offered (Subject to Change) : Spring 1. Summer. Fall 1. For Books and Materials List Go to the Online Bookstore
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