Empire State College

My Curriculum Vitae


Columbia University, Graduate Faculties, Department of Social Psychology

    National Science Foundation Fellow, 1964-1968
    Also awarded Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
    Dissertation: Self-esteem, reception and influenceability
    (sponsor, William J. McGuire)
    Ph.D. in Psychology, 1969

Queens College of the City University of New York
    Phi Beta Kappa
    Magna Cum Laude
    R.S. Woodworth Medal in Psychology
    National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Grant for comparative psychology of learning (sponsor, Eugene Gollin)
    B.S. in Psychology, 1964

Additional training:
    Tavistock Group Method, City College, CUNY, 1967-1968
    Gestalt Therapy, New York Gestalt Institute, 1971-1973

Professional Experience

Empire State College, State University of New York, 1974 -
    Academic rank: Professor
    “Mentor” to adult college students. Teaching interests include Social Psychology, Psychology of Consumption, Statistics, Research Methods, Positive Psychology

Hunter College of the City University of New York, 1970-1974
    Assistant Professor of Psychology (courses: Personality, Motivation, Consciousness)
Social Science Research Council, New York City, 1969-1971
    Staff, Committee on Learning and the Educational Process and the Subcommittee on Compensatory Education; Project director of a Federal contract for the evaluation of the Head Start Follow Through Program.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1968-1969
    Lecturer in Social Psychology
    Postdoctoral Fellow for research on interpersonal attraction (with George Levinger)

City College of the City University of New York, 1967
    Instructor, Group Dynamics
Publications, Papers and Presentations
    Tatzel, M. (2008). Money and materialism typology, self-construal, and well-being. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Society for Consumer Psychology, Boston.

    Tatzel, M. (2003b). The art of buying: Coming to terms with money and materialism. Journal of Happiness Studies, 4(4), 405-435.

    Tatzel, M. (2003a). [Review of Sirgy, J. M. (2001), Quality of life research: An ethical marketing perspective]. Journal of Happiness Studies, 4(2), 235 – 239.

    Tatzel, M. (2002). “Money worlds” and well-being: An integration of money dispositions, materialism and price-related behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 23(1), 103-126.

    Tatzel, M. (2002, November). Educational planning in the first learning contract: Is it a good idea? Institutional research reported in All About Mentoring, 24, 57-58.

    Tatzel, M. (2001). “Money worlds” and consumer well-being. An integration of money dispositions, materialism and spending. In H. E. Spotts, H. L. Meadow & S. Grzeskowiak (Eds.), How to measure quality of life in diverse populations: Procedings of the fourth conference of the International Society of Quality-of-Life Studies. (pp. 84-85). ISQOLS.

    Institutional research reported in Exchange: News for the SUNY Empire State College Community.
      Tatzel, M. (2000, October 5). Is there a gender gap at Empire State College?
      Tatzel, M. (2000, September 21). What happened in ‘97-’98? Finding a key to enrollment management.
      Tatzel, M. & Mattei, D. (2000, September 14). How are we doing? Benchmarking ESC.

    Tatzel, M. (1999). Money attitudes, materialism, and price-related behavior: An integration. In M. Viswanathan, L. Compeau & M. Hastak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1999 winter conference of the society for consumer psychology. (pp. 72-81). Society for Consumer Psychology.

    Tatzel, M. (1995, August). Psychological aspects of money. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Society for Consumer Psychology, New York.

    Tatzel, M. (1994). Innovations in group modes for adult college students. In R. Kelder (Ed.), Theories of learning: Teaching for understanding and creativity. (pp. 146-150). New Paltz: Institute for the Study of Postsecondary Education.

    Tatzel, M. (1992, April). An ecological model of breadth. Paper presented at the Workshop on Breadth of Study, SUNY, Empire State College, Albany.

    Tatzel, M. (1991). On not liking to shop for clothes. In M. Lynn & J. M. Jackson (Eds.), Proceedings of the division of consumer psychology, American Psychological Association 1991 annual convention. (pp. 46-53). Madison, WI: Omnipress.

    Tatzel, M. (1988). Involvement and anxiety in apparel shopping. In L. Alwitt (Ed.), Proceedings of the division of consumer psychology, American Psychological Association 1987 annual convention. (pp. 19-22). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    Tatzel, M. (1982). Skill and motivation in clothes shopping: Fashion-conscious, independent, anxious, and apathetic consumers. Journal of Retailing, 58(4), 90-97.

    Tatzel, M. (1980). Tolerance for ambiguity in adult college students. Psychological Reports, 47(2), 377-378.

    Tatzel, M. (1977). Prospects and methods for interpersonal studies. Princeton: Educational Testing Service.

    Tatzel, M. & Lamdin, L. (1975). Interpersonal learning in an academic setting: Theory and practice. Princeton: Educational Testing Service.

    Tatzel, M. (1974, August). Ego and self: A synthesis of theories of consciousness and personality. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Division of Humanistic Psychology, New Orleans.

    Zellner (Tatzel), M. (1971). Towards cultural pluralism: Essays on the socialization of self-concept and values in education. Washington, DC: Office of Education.

    Zellner (Tatzel), M. (1971). The e-valuation of compensatory education. [Review of McDill, McDill & Sprehe, Strategies for success in compensatory education]. Contemporary Psychology, 16, 520-521.

    Zellner (Tatzel), M. & Levinger, G. (1971). Liking and self-evaluation: Comfort and respect as sources of attraction. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 2.

    Maher, J., Mayhew, P. & Zellner (Tatzel), M. (1971). Field dependence, drinking, and urination. Reported in S. Schachter, Emotion, obesity and crime. New York: Academic Press.

    Maccoby, E. E., & Zellner (Tatzel), M. (1970). Experiments in primary education: Aspects of project Follow-Through. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

    Zellner (Tatzel), M. (1970). Self-esteem, reception, and influenceability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 15, 87-93.

Governance and Administration at Empire State College (selection)
  • Chair, Academic Personnel Committee, 2007-2008
  • Member, Steering Committee on Institutional Change, (Front Porch) 2003 - 2005
  • Faculty Chair, Hudson Valley Regional Center, 2000-2002; 2006-2008
  • Special Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs: Institutional Research on student retention and learning outcomes, 1999-2000
  • Chair, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, 1997; 1999-2000.
  • Co-Chair (with Academic VP), Institutional Self-Study for re-accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities, 1997-1999
  • Chair, Program, Planning and Budget Committee, 1996-1997
  • Chair, Assessment Task Force (to examine the process of assessing student prior learning and recommend means to simplify and improve the process), 1995-1996
  • Downstate Coordinator, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, 1995-1997
  • Coordinator, Rockland Unit of the Hudson Valley Center, 1990-1995; 2000-present
  • Founding Co-Chair of the Mentoring Institute (for the promotion and support of faculty development activities) and co-editor of All About Mentoring, the publication of the Mentoring Institute, 1993-1994
  • Empire State College representative to the Association of American Colleges’ project on the “Meaning and Purpose of Baccalaureate Degrees,” 1982-1983
  • Chair, Academic Policy and Learning Programs Committee, 1981-1983
  • Chair, Task Group on “Excellence,” Institutional Self-Study for re-accreditation by the Middles States Association of Colleges and Schools, 1977-1979

  • American Psychological Association, Divisions of Personality and Social Psychology (8) and Society for Consumer Psychology (23)
  • American Psychological Society
  • International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies
  • Tuxedo Union Free School District, Board of Education, 1980-1986
(Content from MiriamTatzel's personal web site.)