Empire State College

Introductory Note to Mentees

Dear Mentee,

Welcome to Empire State College! I look forward to working with you to develop and meet your learning needs at the college. If you have not yet worked with me, the following information will be helpful in getting started.

I am a part time mentor located at the Hudson Street Center, 325 Hudson Street, Fifth Floor, Room 530. The best way to contact me is via email at janet.bachant@esc.edu. My office hours are Monday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I generally teach study groups on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4—6PM so I am unable to take phone calls at those times. If you need to leave me a phone message, please repeat your number twice, slowly, so that I can return your call as soon as possible.

I have developed a website that provides useful information for my students. You can reach it by going to www.esc.edu/facultywebsites and clicking on Janet Bachant. Please go to Studies and check out the title of the study that you are taking with me and download the handouts in that particular study. If your learning contract calls for a final paper, please click on the Writing Papers in Psychology section and read the handouts there as your evaluation will be based in part on your knowing this material and using it in the work that you submit.

If you are taking Academic Planning with me, please go that that section on my website, read the handouts and plan to attend my monthly Academic Planning seminar on the third Tuesday of each month from 6—8PM (exceptions are noted on the schedule posted on the website).

If you are taking an independent study with me, your first task will be to
· obtain the materials indicated on the website and your learning contract
· if applicable to you, (studies in Abnormal and Biological Psychology) register for the online component of the study by following the instructions available in the handouts. This is in addition to the registration for this study that you have already done through the college.
· Read at least the first few chapters and then call me to set up an appointment.

I look forward to working with you! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your time here more gratifying.

(Content from JanetBachant's personal web site.)