Empire State College

Outline for Degree Program Plan Rationale

The following outline is a suggestion only. Please see Chapter 9 of your Student Degree Planning Guide for additional information.

Generic Degree Program Rationale

Janet Lee Bachant, Ph.D.
  1. Tell the reader what degree you are pursuing and what your concentration is going to be. Describe how this concentration meets the specific career requirements in your anticipated field.
  2. Tell the reader why you have chosen this concentration; what research you have done to determine your choice.
  3. Describe how your history informs this concentration and career choice (don’t be too lengthy here).
  4. Describe how particular studies listed in your degree program will develop the specific skill sets and knowledge needed in your career choice.
  5. Describe how the SUNY Gen Ed requirements fit into your personal, educational and professional goals.
  6. Summarize credit by evaluation: number of credits you hope to get, general topics covered, how these credits fit into your overall degree plan.
  7. A final paragraph should break down the number of credits in your concentration and in general learning. You should have a summary statement that demonstrates breath of learning, as well as depth of learning and progression in your concentration.

(Content from JanetBachant's personal web site.)