Empire State College

Abnormal Psychology Learning Contract


The student will participate in an individual tutorial guided by mentor Janet Bachant. This study is designed to provide the student with an overview of the field of abnormal psychology, including the causes, assessment and treatment of mental disorders. Developing the ability to use the self in interaction with the subject matter will be a core component of the study, facilitated through the keeping of an ongoing reflection log and discussion with the mentor. All annotated written work is to be given to the mentor by the last meeting and will be returned to the student.

Specific Learning activities include:

1. Reading and providing reflective commentary on Hansell and Damour Abnormal Psychology. ISBN: 9780470073872, published by Wiley. Students may purchase either a hard copy of the book or an electronic copy of the book. All students must be sure to get/have/purchase WileyPlus access and to read the notes on accessing the online portion of the study posted on my website. The hard copy access is available through the college bookstore. Electronic access is available through www.wiley.com/college/buywileyplus Jamison, K.R. An unquiet mind, and Amador, I Am not Sick; I don't need help.

2. Actively discussion of readings and practical application of concepts with mentor.

3. Written reflective commentary on thoughts and feelings relating to this study.

4. Completion of online tests on text chapters or summaries of chapters; discussion of issues, questions revealed by this self-testing.

5. A final term project or research paper in which the student reports on a more in-depth exploration of a particular issue in the field. The paper must be written in APA style using full text and peer reviewed professional articles.

6. Completion of a final reflection on the study itself: Possible areas to be addressed include "What have I learned? What was most important/exciting/distressing? What further questions has this study raised for me? What has it taught me about myself?


Evaluation will be based on the completion and quality of the learning activities, demonstrating grasp of the concepts and their importance in understanding abnormal processes.

(Content from JanetBachant's personal web site.)